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Haifa, Sexy Arabian Girl in Bikini Panties
Haifa, Sexy Arabian Girl in Bikini Panties
Tips, How to Make Sexy Body Like Heidi Klum:
he Problem Area: Lower Body

Heidi Klum has managed to make herself not only one of the hottest supermodels in the world but one of the sexiest moms as well. We all know what pregnancy and labor can do to the female body, so how in the world did Heidi get so lucky? By doing exercises to strengthen and tone the hips, thighs, and butt, you’ll be as confident as Heidi the next time you throw on a pair of shorts, don a short skirt or sport a swimsuit. One of her most tried and true exercises involves the following:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place your hands on your hips. While contracting your abs, take a large step sideways with your left foot (think of how a sumo wrestler squats and moves) and keep your toes pointed forward, with your body weight over your heels. Next, straighten your legs and lift your right knee to your chest, while keeping your foot flexed and your torso erect. Kick your right leg sideways while maintaining your balance on your left leg. Afterwards, straighten your torso back up and go back to your original squatting position and repeat the same lifting and kicking motion again, then switch legs. 3 reps of 15 on each side will get your lower body in shape faster than Heidi’s strut down the catwalk!